Saturday, 19 June 2010

My first ever blog entry....

Oh my, here we go... I don't really know what got into me and what exactly I was thinking when I decided to try out blogging. I'm usually a rather private person and don't go public with things I do and don't do, so I must have got struck by a lightning or something. On top of that I'm an ordinary Jane. Do people actually care what a random Joe/Jane writes? Or what happens to them? Or what they think about life, world etc.? But nevertheless, trying has never hurt anybody, so I'm sure it won't do me any harm. And it will give me something to do during these summer storms that keep one locked up inside.

I've already done something that, well it doesn't exactly scare me, but it's a bit reckless, so if I had thought about it, I'm sure I would have talked myself out of it. I bought yet another plane ticket. To another country, obviously. To go there and work. The scary thing is that my position is not yet 100% secure, so considering that I'm (according to my boyfriend) a tad OCD, it's a humungous step for my wee self. I aways want to be 100% sure about everything. Which, if you think about it, is completely insane as you cannot be 100% sure about pretty much anything in life.

Now I've started the countdown. 16 more days before I take off. Before then I'll probably keep quiet as I don't want to bore anyone, who might read this, rigid. I'll keep you posted however when I do something else that scares me.

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